About Dying

A personal oddessy of terminal illness, acceptance and regeneration.

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Location: Monterey, Ca., United States


Also by WriterByTheSea

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Journal: 05/28/06

Yesterday was a busy day and I know I spent a lot of time kvetching about it, but it did me good. Today was a lot slower, the Memorial Day weekend crowd having been thinned by gas prices and the associated general inflation. What used to be a two-day road-trip and a long weekend has turned into a one-day trip to a close destination and more time at home trimming the hedges. Our full-house spurt was last night, today was much like any other Sunday, slow and easy, by comparison.

A Note About Late Postings

If you notice, Constant Reader, fluctuations in the posting of this blog, do not worry. I write these pages in real-time, but I don’t always get to editing and posting them for a day or two. My posting schedule is prey to my emotional balance and ability to focus. At times, though I write a day’s piece, I might not get around to editing it for a couple of days. My innate sense of perfection controls the editing process and though I do try to leave these entries as a stream-of-consciousness experience, I also have to make sure that I’m communicating the right content. Focusing on editing is a different process than just letting fly with the words and the editing effort requires a more alert writer than I am when I’m first putting the content down. Sometimes, it takes me a while to remember exactly what I was saying, especially if I drop a word or two.

Another aspect of daily blogging is that I’m not living a spectacularly interesting or complicated life. The day-to-day grind is just that, a grind. In order for me to keep coming up with a daily topical monologue, aside from the leading account of how boring my day was, takes a lot of creativity. After all these weeks, I have to actually get deeply in touch with myself to find material that doesn’t rehash something I’ve gone on about before. I do try to keep these postings interesting to my readers, but at times, I feel as though I’ve talked myself out.

If I don’t have a topic that jumps up and bites me, I have to come up with something creative and non-fiction. Though this has helped my get through my grieving process, by sifting through my internal garbage, it does take time. Though I write the daily grind piece every evening, I might not get to writing a topical piece until late at night, and the editing waits a day longer or more.

Lately, I’ve been a bit preoccupied with the state of my life and fell behind a few posts. I’m working to catch that up now and return to a more timely, daily posting schedule in future.

Thanks for being patient with me.


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