About Dying

A personal oddessy of terminal illness, acceptance and regeneration.

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Location: Monterey, Ca., United States


Also by WriterByTheSea

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Journal: 05/26/06

Memorial Day weekend officially starts today. This is a big weekend as it is the official start to the summer season, this is the time when barbeques are rolled out from garages, when stores offer reductions on their meat and bread products, because celebrating Memorial Day is about more than remembering the ones who have fallen during wars. It is about the entrance into summer, that period of time when children are let out of school so they can drive their parents nuts. Summer used to be about planting and harvesting, but those days are long gone. Now, it’s about vacations, the up-tic in great weather, the time of year when hard-working people can light up a few coals and create great steaks. After all, everyone needs to shed the cloak of winter.

Thanks to the price of gas this year, Memorial Day was off to a slow start. There wasn’t a lot of traffic today; most of our reservations are for tomorrow. Nevertheless, I could feel the spirit in the air. Memorial Day is the traditional significator of the summer season, as Labor Day in September is the official end of summer, regardless of solstices. Even though the motel wasn’t full today, something of a difference from last year, I expect it to be a busy day tomorrow.

Found Money

I decided to get into the spirit of the long weekend by not grousing about my poverty. There isn’t anything that is going to be a quick fix for the problem and the best I can do for myself over the three-day weekend is to kick back and relax a little. Good thoughts, innovative ideas, come to those who let their brains ponder.

In that spirit, a bit of unexpected brightness came into my life in the form of found money. I checked Joann’s credit card and found $27.00 still left on it. I pay the card anyway so I don’t have any issues about using it. I haven’t missed a payment yet.

With that in mind, I’m all set to have a nice holiday, even if it is a "holiday" in name only. I’ll be kvetching about that later.


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