About Dying

A personal oddessy of terminal illness, acceptance and regeneration.

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Location: Monterey, Ca., United States


Also by WriterByTheSea

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Journal: 04/21/06

I think that this point I can stop noting when I go to work. I’ve become reliable enough that it is more worthwhile to note when I don’t go to work. Too much repetition makes these pages boring.

Otherwise, a good, but slow, day. Aside from the items below, I remain stable, awaiting the next developments.

Appointments to Cancel

I received a couple of letters from two of Joann’s doctors. They said that Joann had missed her appointments on April 17, 2006, and would she reschedule?

Yet another of those unexpected, pop-up things that is a loose end of Joann’s passing away. Joann had several doctors and as far as I know, only Dr. Stark, who was her doctor of record during her hospice, knows that she died. I called the two doctors who sent notices today and informed them of the change in her status. Joann didn’t keep a calendar of her appointments, so I don’t know who to call, all I can do is wait until they call or mail me, then I can update them on her status.

Although I should have anticipated these little prodding’s from Joann’s past, it still caught me unawares. There haven’t been any pokes from the past for a few days and I haven’t been doing any "housecleaning" either. This is still a reminder that it may be a year before everything is finally resolved for Joann.

Audio Books Arrive

In another flashback to a different era, audio books for Joann arrived in the mail today. At the beginning of March, Carol, the VNA Wellness person, signed Joann up with a program sponsored by the California State Library designed to ship audio books to the homebound. Joann was getting weaker and couldn’t comfortably hold a book, but she was quite a reader. After the books were delivered, along with a cassette player, Joann never listened to any of the books because she was too sick to have much interest in anything but television. After she died, I sent the unopened audio books and player back to the library.

I’ll send this batch of books back too, and give the library a call on Monday to let them know to stop sending the books. That reminds me that I have to give Rose the three books she got for Joann from the Harrison library in Carmel so she can return them. That’s a project for Monday as well.


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